Best of the Best, May-August 2019
Hello everyone and Welcome to the blog.
Today is the eve of New Year’s Eve and I’m posting the best of the best from LifeByWyetha for 2019.
May through August of 2019 were very productive for the blog. I was planning like a mad woman, and going through my stats and really working on my content. I’ve picked the post with the highest views for month, so here we go.
May – August 2019
This is the time were was staying on top of my 30-day challenges, getting into more DIYs, and gaining a better understanding of my diet.
BEST OF MAYSNIPPET: WEEKEND … Hello everyone and Happy Mother’s Day Weekend! To all the Mom’s out there … Happy Mothers Day! and to everyone else who is honoring their Mom on Sunday, be blessed because there is no one like your Mom. |
![]() BEST OF JUNESNIPPET: REVERSE BUCKET LIST … The idea of a Bucket List is scary, because you have to acknowledge the fact that your time on this earthly plain is limited, and at some point, God will take us home. |
BEST OF JULY (2ND)SNIPPET: COMMAND CENTER ESSENTIALS ON AMAZON …As we move closer to the Back-to-School season staying organized could be the difference in your mornings running smoothly or chaos. How about a Family Command Center, to coral mail, letters, notices to be signed, a large calendar or bulletin board for important dates, and drop zone for shoes backpacks and keys. |
![]() BEST OF AUGUSTSNIPPET: GET TO KNOW ME … I think everyone that blogs, at some point or another, has done a “Get To Know Me” post, and I’m no exception. The last time I posted this tag [on this platform] was December 2017. |
Thanks so much for visiting my blog today. If your new … I hope you come back and if you here weekly thank you so much for the support. I look forward to bigger and better things in the upcoming new year, and I’ll be back tomorrow with the best of September-December 2019. — Peace —
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