31 Days of Halloween: Day #15 …I’m Wrapping Up the 2nd Week of the Series!
Welcome to Day #15 of the 31 Days of Halloween.
Halloween Quote
“I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly”. — Friday the 13th Part IV: Jason Lives
Hello friends and how are you today? I hope you’re enjoying some scary movies for the season, checking in with friends and family, and staying hydrated.
Today I’m wrapping up the 2nd week in the 31 Days of Halloween series!
A Week of Posts!
The second week has trekked on and almost got away from me. I’ve been busy on both fronts with work, the blog, and trying to plan a Halloween Game night at the end of the month.
I’ve been going back and forth with some of my Halloween decor. The only new additions are some artwork I’ve printed from the free domain.
I did get this candelabra (Amazon) because World Market canceled my original order. I’m still waiting for a few vintage glass candle holders. Oh yes, and I guess everyone is buying black candles now because I can’t find any at Micheals or the drugstore. — Halloween problems (LOL)
Otherwise, I’m truly done with it. I think the longer I stare at it the more I want to tweak it but really I’m done. Here are my cat’s corners (so to speak). Both portraits were done by Crown & Paw after they passed away.
I’ve also been playing with my Cricut because I want to do a DIY and recreate this Sanderson Sister Museum sign to display in my living room. I’m trying to make it for under $25. Needless to say, because it’s Halloween I’ve been having a hard time procuring supplies.
Well friends I’ll end this post here. Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more. — Stay scary, and Happy Halloween!