MONDAY Chat … 52 List of Calm
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How is everyone doing this Monday? We are heading into the 2nd week of June, and more hot weather. If you can’t tell by now, I’m not a summer person, and I usually retreat to the comfort of AC. I know we are slowly starting to step out of our comfort zone and enter the “new” norm, so I send out prayers, and blessings to those as your out and about.
“Casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.” + 1 Peter 5:7
Last week was pretty much the same as the previous week, as one day bleeds into another, as I’ve tried to find myself in a sea of uncertainty. I’ve chosen not to express any views or opinions on current events because my opinion is my own.
52 List of Calm …
I know I did a whole series on this and touched on my frustration as I neared the end of the book. However, my daughter gifted me this journal ages ago, and right now is as good a time as any to dive into part of this journal.
I’m thinking that I won’t share every list but I will work my way through this. The 52 List of Calm by Moorea Seal is a companion to the 52 List for Happiness Journal. On my blog anniversary, I gifted a few of these journals to my friends out there.
FROM AMAZON | For fans of the bestselling 52 Lists series and anyone looking to bring more peace and calm into their lives (and who isn’t, in our current age of anxiety?), this journal includes lists and tips specially designed to soothe the stressed-out soul.
Journaling, writing, and blogging, can be the best medicine for calmness. It quiets the mind and organizes your thoughts. It’s been the number thing to help me over some hurdles in life. Whether I’m talking to an audience of one of 1001, it feels good to get this out of my system, and onto a platform where it might benefit someone else story.
Onward #1 …
I won’t begin to list everything that I noted in the journal but my list was 24 strong. I have so much on my mind and restlessness that I can’t seem to focus on any one thing. This is a clear indication that some changes need to be made, zoning in on right now.
The fire in me circled two things, and there is this fight going on inside me always trying to do more than what’s needed. Notice how this says to focus on one thing. I don’t know why that’s so hard for me to grasp when the journal is basically saying to take on those other things at another time but only do your one thing right now.
“Daily Affirmations”
For me that one thing is my daily affirmations. I did a blog post about daily affirmations and how that was really important to set your life intentions and to open up your mind and prepare you for the things you want to achieve in life.
This list is kept on my phone, and every day when I would leave my house to wait for the bus, I would open my notes app and read my affirmations. I created this list after I read 365 Affirmations – Manifest your Dream Life and it got me so motivated.
That lasted for 6 months until my whole moving debacles got me out of wack. My list was broken down by Week #1, #2, and so on, then into AM and PM.
What’s the one thing that you need to focus on right now. Make your list and start out your Summer on a positive note to help you achieve your goals. With that, I’ll end this here. Again … thanks for hanging with me today, and as always. — Know Thyself —
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