
Don’t Call It A Bucket List! It’s My Summer Fun Bingo for 2023

What’s Good!  How ya’ll feelin’?

Are you taking in the good?  Allow yourself to focus on positive experiences and let go of the negative ones.  Do you think the grass is greener on the other side? Then water your lawn.

Hello, my friends, and Happy Summer.  I hope you’re being productive, staying hydrated, checking in with friends and family, and enjoying the season.

I’m changing how I feel about Summer.

That’s right, friends, you’ve guessed it by the title of this post.  In an effort NOT to hate Summer, I’ve made a list of activities to carry me through the Season.  There is a reason I feel the way I do about the season.  This didn’t happen overnight but has been bubbling to the surface for several years.

About Summer’s Past

I don’t remember when I was younger having any feelings [whatsoever] about Summer.  It just was.  School ended, the days got longer [meaning I could stay outside longer], I played with my friends and had a good time filled with wonderful memories.

Somewhere around 30, Summer’s changed.  I was working for the weekend [yes, like the song], but as the days got longer and hotter, they also became more miserable. I leave for work. It’s sticky, humid, and hot.  Trek to the metro station, wait with throngs of people, get on a crowded train, and go to work like all the other drones.

Afternoons were no better with late buses and delayed trains in 90+ degree weather with 100% humidity made more miserable by the fact that by the time I got home, it was just enough time to get ready for the next day, go to bed and wake up and do the same thing all over again.

On my side of the globe, it’s way too hot to do anything outdoors, and I couldn’t because I had work.  So exploring new parks, bike riding, and picnics outdoors was a no-no unless you wanted to pass out from the heat.  You really don’t learn about the dangers of the heat until you’re an adult, and I learned the hard way when I passed out [in public] from the heat walking towards a train.

Summer Bingo

I created this Summer Bingo as more of a guide than a “to-do” list, and so far, there are about 5-6 things that I’m currently incorporating.

  • Starting doing yoga on the weekends (not just the weekday)
  • Just got a new vintage camera (I’ll save photos for the end of Summer)
  • Create a Summer vision board
  • Soaking my feet on workday evenings
  • Switched to my Summer bed linens
  • I’m also reading and listening to audiobooks regularly.

I’ve always associated Summer with the outdoors, but lately, I’ve been looking at it differently with the help of some YouTube inspiration. Summer is more than everything outdoors; it’s nostalgic. It’s music, food, a good mystery novel, stay-cations, spending time with friends, and frozen treats.  It’s the smell of the fresh-cut grass, walking through my neighborhood, that first barbeque, the coolness after a down-poor, new sneakers, evening puzzles, and peach ice teas.

I have really worked hard to work through the things that used to make me miserable because I want to live life and not just exist in it.  I want to focus on the thing that makes me feel good, and if a little board highlighting all the things I love takes me one step closer, then I’m here for all of it.

What do you love about summer?  What do you hate about Summer?  Let me know in the comments. Thanks so much for visiting the blog today.  Don’t forget to follow and subscribe, as I really appreciate the support. — Peace

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