
My 2022 Summer LoFi Playlist

Hello my friends, and “welcome” to the blog.

How is everyone on this fantastic Friday?  I hope you’re productive (but relaxed), drinking plenty of water, and living happy.

Source … via GIPHY

Since I mentioned being productive, one of the things that make it go by faster is listening to some good Lofi music.  You can find LoFi via Amazon, YouTube, or any music streaming service and it’s smooth enough not to cloud your thoughts so you can focus and get things done, be that relaxing or work.

I’ve updated my playlist with more LoFi music. But what is LoFi exactly?

“Lo-fi” means “low-fidelity,” a term for music where you can hear imperfections that would typically be considered errors in the recording process. On YouTube channels like ChillHop music or DreamyCow, however, those “mistakes” become an intentional part of the listening experience.

Summer LoFI Playlist


Here are some great LoFi music links if you’re looking for some vinyl to add to your collection.

Lofi Girl, Lofi Records, ChillHop Music

Thanks so much for stopping by today.  Check out my Lofi list for Spring and my full YouTube playlist here. Don’t forget to like this post and subscribe to the blog. — Peace —

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