Wednesday: Product Review |Vital Vita 12
Hello family and happy Wednesday. I hope everyone is doing alright out there, remember to stay safe.
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Today I’m doing a project review on Vital Vita 12. It’s been about 9 months since I’ve done any type of beauty product review. Mainly because I use the same items, and I think it might be boring to just review the same products over-and-over.
This time I’m talking about serums. I’ve been using Vital Vita 12 for 6-months and I love the 3 that I’ve tried so far.
Skin Care for Women Over 50
Let’s face it, I’m not getting any younger but I definitely don’t have to show my age, so I’m a sucker for moisturizing, brightening, skin-boosting, age-defying skincare.
I also pay extra attention because at 52 … I have acne-prone skin. I’ve been keeping it under control with a consistent skin regimen. So everyday day, twice a day I will cleanse, tone, add the serum to my moisturizer, and then apply my treatment.
Vitamins for your skin
Let’s get into Vital Vita. I’ve been enjoying Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B8. Let’s break down what these do for the skin.
Vitamin B12 is necessary for cell reproduction and can be applied topically for skin benefits because it reduces inflammation, dryness, and acne. It is sometimes used to treat conditions like psoriasis and eczema. (Source |
Vitamin B8 helps to maintain the skin in healthy condition. It helps to regularly distribute the color pigment – melanin throughout the skin. (Source:
Vitamin C aids in your skin’s natural regeneration process, which helps your body repair damaged skin cells. (Source |
Vital Vita with or without a boost
Vital Vita’s has 6 serums in their skin care line. Vitamin H, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B8, Vitamin C, Vitamin B5, and Vitamin A. These serum can be used separately, or added to your favorite moisturizer, or face mask. After you cleanse and tone, you can apply your serum.

Specifically I use Vitamin B8 (Moisture) in the evenings, and Vitamin B12 (Brightening) in the morning. I’ll use the Vitamin C (Synergy) on the weekends or when I travel.
Overall Review
Serums for me are like life. I NEED a serum to boost my skincare products, and aid healthy cell reproduction. This helps my skin retain it’s elasticity, youthfulness, and a healthy glow. Does my skin still break out, YES.
This is because no product is perfect, but with diet, exercise and a daily routine, I’ve seen a reduction in breakouts and the unevenness of my skin. The overall texture has changed, and the serums help fade my dark acne spots.

Now…if your have SUPER-sensitive skin I would caution on using the Vitamin C, and the B12. You can also check out a tester in Ulta beauty but adding a drop to the inside of your wrist for any type of reaction.
That’s going to end my review today. If nothing else I hope you learned a little more about how Vitamins can aid in healthy skin production. I hope everyone has a great week, and don’t forget to “comment”, “like”, or “subscribe”. — Peace —
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I love the bottles.
I’m obsessed with these.