chit-chat, Lifestyle

Sunday Chit-Chat

Hello everyone and Happy Sunday. I thought that I would re-post this older chit-chat because reading this made me reminisce about how much fun my office use to be.

When you work in an office … folks tend to pass around a lot of useless information. All types of stupid memes, and a lot of quotes about “Thank God It’s Friday” and “Y’all Gone Make Me Lose My Mind” … This still doesn’t include the hundreds of Amen’s, and Ah-Hah’s about relationships. However every once in a while you come across some gold, and this is one of those times.

This little ditty is called “Lessons That Must be Learned in Relationships”, and it’s the topic of my chit-chat today.  So grab your coffee or your tea, sit back and listen for a while.

This particular pass-around regarding relationships stuck with me because most of it is true.  My willingness to accept these things [back then] was a different matter.

I’ve divided this list into parts because it’s a total of 50 lessons.  I’ve also modified it because that thing called “relationships” doesn’t just apply to the standard.  It crosses all paths and all genders.


    1. If someone wants you, nothing can keep them away.  If someone doesn’t want you, then nothing can make them stay.
    2. Stop making excuses for your significant other and their behavior.
    3. If you have any doubt in your mind about your partner’s character, then leave them alone.
    4. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.
    5. Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that’s not meant to be.
    6. Don’t force an attraction.
    7. Slower is better.
    8. If a relationship ends because you were not being treated as you should or deserve then, … Hell no…we can’t “be friends”.  A friend wouldn’t mistreat a friend.
    9. If you feel like your being strung along then you probably are.
    10. Honorable men and women take care of their business and aren’t involved in a whole lot of mess.
    11. The only person you can control in a relationship is you.
    12. There’s only one reason why someone dumps you, they don’t want you.
    13. You really do have to kiss a few frogs before finding the prince or princess.
    14. Be honest and upfront.
    15. You cannot change the way a person behaves, because change comes from within.

Just to be clear … I’m no expert and I don’t profess to be. I only know what I’ve learned through experience and time, and when I have something that’s worth sharing, I’ll always pass it along.

With that, I’ll close this Tea Session.  I’ll be back next Sunday with more to spill.  Thanks so much for visiting my blog today + and don’t forget to “like”, “follow” or join the fam by “subscribing”.Have a great week … Know Thyself

[Header photo Moyo Studio]

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