31 Days of Halloween

31 Days of Halloween: Day #12, Brightburn

Welcome to the 31 Days of Halloween in Movies.

Hello Friends, Happy October! and welcome back to the blog. 🍂🎃 Are we loving the weather? I know I am. Please be safe out there, stay hydrated, and make sure to take at least an hour today for yourself.

We are at Day #12 in the 31 Days of Halloween in Movies.  For an archive, click here, and for free downloads of all the games and fun, check out the freebies page.

Today’s Feature

MOVIE: Brightburn
Rated: R
Year: 2019
Director: David Yarovesky
IMBD Rating: 6.1
Runtime: 1h 30m
Tomato Meter: 57% 🍅
Genre: Horror, Drama, Mystery
Splatter/Gore Meter: 5/10 🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸

SYNOPSIS: After a difficult struggle with fertility, Tori Breyer’s dreams of motherhood come true with the arrival of a mysterious baby boy. Brandon appears to be everything Tori and her husband, Kyle, ever wanted — bright, talented, and curious about the world. But as Brandon nears puberty, powerful darkness manifests within him, and Tori becomes consumed by terrible doubts about her son. Once Brandon begins to act on his twisted urges, those closest to him find themselves in grave danger.

MY RATING: (★★★★) This movie was a sleeper and took me by surprise. It was very unexpected and, dare I say, actually scary. I mean how many terrifying kids can we take, apparently, a few more? There had been rumors that this could be tied to DC, but this is only in theory due to the similarity with a few  DC comic book characters, but again, it’s all hearsay because this character is seriously dark. I have to revisit this movie to refresh my memory as I saw it in the theaters in 2019.

Sometimes we make promises we know we won’t keep, so “I’ll watch this again” never happened.

With all that said …Happy Viewing and enjoy the movie!