31 Days of Halloween, Lifestyle

31 Days of Halloween: Day #30 – Hole In the Wall, the Vampire Woman

Hello boys and ghouls and welcome to Day 30 of the 31 Days of Halloween.

Would You Rather?
“Have dinner at the Exorcist house or, a sleepover at the Poltergeist house”? 

Today is Episode #5 and the final podcast in the series, but don’t fret, because these spooky tales of lore are far from over.  I’m continuing this podcast so stay tuned every Sunday for Chilling November Legends …stay tuned.

Today’s story is called “Hole in the Wall, The Vampire Woman”.

****SOURCES ****

// Haunted Maryland: Ghost and Strange Phenomena from the Old Line State by Ed Okonowicz 

**** 31 Days of Halloween Playlist ****

If you’ve missed any of this podcast series you can get caught up right here.

I’ve had so much fun creating and narrating this podcast, and due to some great feedback, I’m continuing the stories throughout the month of November. This story also brings up some other lore or urban legends of people being misdiagnosed and thought dead.

This in fact would happen so often that they would put a string in the coffin leading to a bell on the headstone just in case the recently departed woke up.  Now if that ain’t creepy I don’t know what is.

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful spooky time. — Happy Halloween!

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