How I Monitor My Blood Sugar Levels with Type 2 Diabetes
Well Hello There! It’s good to see you, and I’m happy you landed here today.
How is everyone doing this Wednesday? I hope everyone is having a great mid-week, can’t-wait-for-the-weekend, hump-day, or whatever you want to call it. Time is just flying, and I can’t believe it’s almost August, and Fall (my favorite season) will be approaching.
Today I will briefly talk about how I’m managing my Type 2 diabetes with my wearable glucose monitor. Earlier this year I was selected via my insurance to participate in a program called Level2. Level2 (#notsponsored) is a United Healthcare partner helping to change the lives of people with diabetes by teaching them how to manage it by living smarter. (Source: Level2) With this program I would get coaching and tips on healthy eating and exercise through literature, coaches and a monitor.

I was sent a Dexcom G6 CGM sytem which included a transmitter, and three sensors. Let me break down what that is.
The Transmitter
The transmitter is a small wearable device that looks sorta like a USB that you plug into your computer. This is what transmits your glucose readings to your smart device (i.e., phone, or smart watch).
The transmitter has a battery life of 90 days, after that you’ll need a new one. It can be worn, near your belly button or your shoulder. (Note that my guide said to wear it on the stomach.) You may be wondering how the transmitter can give you continuous levels. I’ll get to that in the next section.
The Sensor
The sensor is what’s used to insert is what you use to apply the transmitter to your body. It ejects an adhesive patch that has a tiny sensor wire that is inserted under the skin. This holds the CGM.
You place it on the desired spot on your body, break the safety, and press the button. Once the patch is on, you press in the transmitter and your good to go for about 8 days of continuous glucose monitoring.
This information can also be downloaded (once you contact Dexcom) and sent to your doctor to help better understand your eating habits and what causes glucose level to spike and what keeps you in range. This way you know how your meals directly affect your levels.
My Transmitter
I’ve been wearing the transmitter (off and on) since February this year. I wear it for 8 days, then remove it for a few days, and wear it again. The ads and commercials say to wear it and forget it, but that’s impossible (LOL). I know it’s there and while I don’t feel it I’m very conscious of this little device.
The transmitter can get wet (in the shower) but you shouldn’t completely submerge it in water (i.e, swimming).
The Learning Curve
It was really frustrating in the beginning because it felt like all foods (that I liked) spiked my sugar. My eating habits have been through numerous changes since my diagnosis and in some ways, it feels like I can’t enjoy myself.
However, I was looking at this all wrong. I can have some things like sweets, or fried foods but I have to be very conscious of the serving size and the time of day that I consume it. Meaning, I can’t have a heavy meal after 8 pm, because it will spike my levels, but mid-day, I can have that extra cup of coffee or that almond milk ice cream. This is also because I’m more active during the day.
(Note: There are a few other meters on the market, but I know that the Dexcom has the smallest wire and is less painful to insert.)
What also helps my levels stay low is that I don’t drink any soda or juice, no fast food, and no super-processed foods (i.e., microwave meals). I do try to decrease my rice, and potato intake but as long as I have protein and a healthy amount of greens I can keep my levels witin a healthy range.
If you or someone you love is struggling with managing their Type 2 Diabetes; and you’re done with pricking yourself to test your blood sugar? Then … talk to your doctor about the next step in managing your health with a glucose meter.
For more information visit the Dexcom website as this system is not available in stores for purchase.
Also, check out Level2 for more information about wearable technology that’s helping people lower their A1C, and live healthier, and happier.
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