52 List for Happiness, chit-chat

Sunday Chit-Chat

Hello everyone, and Happy Sunday! I’m back on track with my 52 List for Happiness with Moorea Seal’s journal, and today I’m on list #40. Can you believe that this journey is about to end?

With only 12 more weeks to the final 52nd weeks, I’m diving straight into today’s list. There is also audio with this list so sit back, grab your coffee and let’s get to it.

52 List for Happiness

[1] Fighting every battle
[2] Being the master and commander of my own ship
[3] Never showing any vulnerability
[4] Putting my foot down at work
[5] Being heard
[6] Staying relevant
[7] Thinking that I had to do it all
[8] Finishing my degree program
[9] Owning a home
[10] I didn’t need a man to complete me

TAKE ACTION: Phew! Doesn’t it feel good to recognize all of the things that just don’t matter anymore? Visit FutureMe.org and write yourself an email describing what you hope to not worry about in the future, and what you are proud of right now. Set a date to receive it around five years in the future.

List #40 Outlook

Ok … so no joke it does feel good to look back at all the things that I thought were important, only to realize that they didn’t matter.  They were everything to me back then, and I knew that things had to be a certain way to work properly and ensure happiness.

I thought that sticking to my guns was the only way to get respect from others.  At this time I didn’t want sympathy for what I was going through.  At that time, I was more concerned about getting through my problems with my head held high.

“I would rather be happy, than dignified” — Charlotte Bronte // Jayne Eyre

Deep down some small piece of us wants to impress others by showing how strong and stoic we are by not needing anything. In my mind, if I’m needy,  that alerts people that I’m vulnerable.

It’s the bigger person to can admit that they’re having a hard time with life and that they’re not perfect.  For so long I wanted to appear that way, and fast forward 10 years and it’s really irrelevant.

The one person that all this mattered to didn’t care about any of these things.  She only wanted love and attention, and in her eyes, I was everything without even trying.  I was Mom, and that’s all that mattered.

That brings this post to a close today. Thanks so much for listening, and don’t forget to “like”, “comment”, and subscribe. — Know Thyself

Journal & Online Tools

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52 List for Happiness Journal // Drawing on happiness research and her own personal philosophy, Moorea Seal creates an inspiring tool for list lovers everywhere to discover the keys to their own unique happiness and bring more joy and balance into their lives.

 Screen Shot 2019-05-26 at 2.24.21 AMPenzu Journal // Penzu is a private customizable online journal that allows you to keep track of milestones, start a diary, or complete your 750-words. Penzu is a free online source or you can upgrade, to include more features. // https://penzu.com/

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