31 Days of Halloween, Lifestyle

31 Days of Halloween: Day #20 … Lofi Playlist for Halloween

Hello Friends and Subbies! Welcome back to the blog and the 31 Days of Halloween, Day #20.

It’s Wednesday, that mid-week, just before the weekend, hump-day.  Yes, yes I’m corny but I look forwrd to my weekend, and to be able to sleep till 9 (or whenever)

So it’s that time right .. you know I got that lofi chill mix for Halloween.  It’s perfect to turn on and just let it play during your daily task or just as background music. 

I’ve got a Fall Lofi playlist that you can listen to while working, cleaning the house, studying, light reading or relaxing outside. 

If you don’t know … Let me drop a little knowledge on you.  (LOL) “Lo-fi” means “low-fidelity,” a term for music where you can hear imperfections that would typically be considered errors in the recording process. On YouTube channels like ChillHop music or DreamyCow, however, those “mistakes” become an intentional part of the listening experience.

Lofi Chillhop Music For Halloween


Thanks so much for stopping by today.  Don’t forget to check back tomorrow for more in tihs 31-Day series…until then — Happy Halloween! —



Header Photo by Photo by Jakob Rosen on Unsplash